Went Toy-Hunting with Spidey on saturday. We started of late, but .... lets just say that we hunted till there's no more bullets left. Visited GOFI6UER @ the Mall, we were fortunate that Mr.GoFigure himself was there .. and he told me great news that made me smile from ear to ear (lets just say that hopefully in 2 weeks time one my wishlist item will be fulfilled. Btw Congrats on the opening of your shop Mr.G.F.... may the force be with you.
Next we went to one of the local baby shop to check on the clones coz we complaint last week that the price tag was wrong (2x usual price). We found out that the price was still the same, so we complain again. After a few minutes of waiting (~20 mins), the supplier & shop supervisor finally clarified and apologized for their mistake. Yeay!!
We were almost on our way home, then Spidey pop the question "u sure u dont want to go to the mall again and watched B.Fett and Vader parading at GoFi6ure?" ... guess whats my answer was .... So off we went.
So all and all .. ammo depleted, body tired, but it was a great hunting day.

(Above) Clone Commander Thire and Yoda - SW Clone Wars. Commander Thire job was to protect Yoda during a mission to the Toydarian system. I guess he's good at it coz Yoda is still alive.

(Left to Right) Clone Trooper Denal, Clone Commander Thire and Clone Trooper Echo from SW Clone Wars. I just realize that they looked similar. I wonder if they are brothers or the missing triplets from John & Kate +8? They also reminded me of the 80's british boy band "BROS" hahhaaha.
(Below) Captain Rex & Echo. After Echo's first battle with commando droids, Captain Rex marks Echo's armor with the blood of a vicious creature that had attacked them; the bloody handprint is Rex way of recognizing Echo's transition from a "shiny" to a seasoned warrior.

(Below) Commander Gree - SW Clone Wars. He leads the Elite Corps and his armor bears the distinct markings of the 41st Elite Corps, a unit he nicknamed "Green Company".

(Below) Captain Argyus - SW Clone Wars. He's a member of the Senate Guard. He assisted in the transportation of captured Separatist leader Nute Gunray. But Argyus has a secret agenda that will jeopardize the successful completion of this important mission. ... hhmm i wonder whats his secret? Anyway, he kinda reminded me of the movie Gladiator coz of his Roman style helmet.

Uniquely Blue ..